
Ron Seigel is racist and Facebook never removes racist comments

Happy New Year!

So I don't login for several days (New Years et al) and when I come back I find out several things:

Cropped screenshot of Ron Seigel's comment.
1. Ron Seigel called me a slanty eyed twat.

2. Ron Seigel's comment was reported to Facebook.

3. Facebook decided calling someone a "slanty eyed twat" does not constitute racism, and thus did not remove his comment about me. (Not the first time I have noticed this... Facebook never removes racist comments, no matter how obviously racist they are. I have never, EVER seen Facebook remove a racist comment.)

4. Since Facebook apparently NEVER removes racist comments, I have to conclude that Facebook is perfectly okay with racism.

Ergo... If I want to say a few things, I guess I am allowed to say them.

So here goes.

1. I think the only good nazi is a dead nazi.

2. I think every neo nazi, white supremacist, nazi sympathizer, alt right asshole in the world should be put to death. We should not be preaching tolerance of these intolerant assholes. We should be killing them.

3. 2018 America is just like 1938 Germany. A racist shit-hole on the verge of war.

4. If you are a racist prick and you are somehow friends with me on Facebook, do us both a favour and unfriend me. I don't want to associate with people who are undeniably racist (or even borderline racist for that matter).

5. I think white people are embracing their racism, but lying about what it really is. They can call themselves "alt right" or whatever, but that doesn't change what they really are. Fascists.

6. I cannot trust white people. They are corrupt, nazi sympathizers, career criminals who get away with murder, drugs, rape and more - and some of them are probably good people. But so many white people are racist bigots. So many it boggles the mind.

7. When someone says that half of Americans cannot be racist, I question what they consider to be racist. Because if it the Facebook standard of anything goes and they never remove a single racist comment, then clearly that is a different definition from what I consider to be racist.

8. Half of Americans are racist. Yes. They don't like to admit it, but it is true - and most of those racists are white Republicans. There are racist Democrats too, no doubt, and people who don't even vote... but the vast majority are Republicans.

9. As far as I am concerned, all white people are racists until proven otherwise. I wish this was not the case, but I have to basically treat them as such because frankly enough is enough. People need to pick a side, because if a race war ever happens in the future I will be on the side with Africans, Asians and Hispanics and white people will have to choose whether they want to side with bigotry and racism, or side with decency and equality.


Now I don't think what I said above was racist. For example, saying I cannot trust white people. That is my opinion and me explaining a belief.

Saying that the only good nazi is a dead nazi. Well, that is not inherently racist either. Not all white people are nazis. But half of white people are racists. And you cannot prove me wrong on that because it really comes down the definition of racism. Facebook obviously is clueless as to what racism is, and so I must conclude a lot of white people are also clueless about what counts as racist too (judging by Fox News alone, they are incredibly clueless and racist).

Want to know who else is racist? Shannon Hobbs from Yorkville Dental in Toronto. She is a conniving racist cow. I nearly applied for a job there, but I changed my mind when I found out she was a huge closet racist.

Want to know who else? Doug Ford, a local politician in Toronto. A closet racist like many others, but this just proves my point.

Toronto is a pretty liberal and multicultural city, but it still has an abundance of racist people like Shannon Hobbs and Doug Ford.

So if a liberal multicultural city like Toronto has so many closet racists, just imagine how many the USA has? It is overflowing with racial divisions, racism, covert segregation, and politicians like Roy Moore who may have a Jewish lawyer (like his wife bragged about at a campaign rally), but are secretly members of the KKK.

And this is what we are dealing with.

White people who openly lie and say they are not racist, but are secretly KKK members and do all sorts of racist things like Ron Seigel, Shannon Hobbs and Doug Ford do... and they get away with it a lot of the time.

Final Note

I originally posted this on Facebook and decided to repost on my blog, which I rarely use any more.

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